Sunday 31 August 2008

12 Top Stress Busting Tips from the "abfab" Lady

Kicking off September and her Stress Busting Column on Womans Zone, Donnah Morgan - The "abfab" Lady, your very own funky stress busting guru shares with you her Top 12 Tips on how to combat the stress in your life.
Check out Donnah's Column at or find out more from the lady herself by visiting her website

1 - Take time out

5/10 minutes twice a day then build up. You begin to learn to put it into your daily routine – it becomes part of your life like cleaning your teeth – YOU ARE WORTH IT

2 - Get to know the difference between passive and focused relaxation

TV/Reading/listening to music is passive but does not stop the thoughts bounding in.
Focused relaxation is when you concentrate on one thing and let everything else drift out of your head (taming the mad monkey is a phrase for combating all those millions of thoughts!) watch your breathing and stay focused on it for a few minutes or take a few mini-relaxations such as observing an object, look at its form, colour and texture, washing-up (yes housework can be FUN!) focus on the water, the bubbles, the items you are washing up, the sounds the water makes. - get to know the difference between relaxing the body and relaxing the mind.

3 - Create your relaxation space

A chair with nice covers/cushions etc. or a whole room, one student has a garden shed!!!! another, a greenhouse she shares with her tomatoes. Keep it uncluttered and away for distractions if possible.

4 - Try to be positive

Law of attraction says what you give out you get back – you can always find a positive element in anything

5 - Watch your language

Words are important ,what message do you send? To yourself first and then others. e.g. I’m/you’re stupid eventually we/they believe it.


Respond - Think through what it is you want to say/do, don’t just React and say or do the first thing that comes into your head you will regret it!

7 - Dare to Dream

You can make it happen – you have to believe it can – feel it inside – practice – small things first, parking spots, good seat in cinema – quiet time for self. Build to larger dreams after practice - step by step

8 - Develop your Vision Board

Your vision for now and the future. A pin board on a wall that you see all the time - add all those big dreams and little dreams – for example my dream was to lose weight – I have now lost 6 stone, I wanted to pay off my mortgage by my 50th birthday I did that, I wanted to walk again, I can, these took me a few years to achieve. Small dreams come even quicker you need to decide what they are and go for them. Put a sticker on them when you have achieved! Reward yourself REGULARLY

9 - Don’t ignore the signs/coincidences/synchronicity

Look round corners don’t just stomp ahead – check your intuition what does your heart tell you? What does your knowingness tell you? Listen and watch at ALL levels.

10 - Practice being in the now!

Its amazing what you will see and could miss out on, if you rush ahead. Stay in the moment be mindful of what you say and do

11- Get out of the practice of multi-tasking

You get more done! One thing at a time ensures you don’t have millions of unfinished tasks. Anything which can be done in less than 3 minutes do it straight away – amazing tip!!!!

12 - Thinking Time, Crucial

You do have time but it is often misused. How do you spend your hours in the day? Spend some time thinking about what will motivate/empower/inspire you, make it a reality – Start a journal, observe how you evolve.

Finally Reward Yourself!

I love books, going for a swim, the cinema, having a quiet night in just for me
give yourself a treat!!!

It’s your life: Live it now:
Make the Change: Do it now:
Dream the Dream: Be it now